Humanity was not designed to know everything at once, the Reason is because they already "know" it, and they already are. We designed Humanity like a moth to a Flame, which is the Oneness energy, the Attraction Factor. Love, or the Oneness energy acts as a Magnet , which continues to add more and More in Grander and Grander Ways. Truth or Oneness energy is a Body Sensation of Pure Love, which is Pure Truth, in which each Soul Housing has the Same Information of Truth.
When the Being allows the Truth of Information of Pure Light, It Lights up your Soul, which also Lights Up your Body! Aha, Love Everywhere Present, because you are in the Present Moment of Now, experiencing FEELINGS. Planet Earth=Heart is an experience, and Creation is an even Grander Experience. How Grand is that? As you experience Feelings, your Telepathic Abilities will expand. Source is the Universal Understanding of Love Unconditional.
Mother Gaia