~Everyone on this Planet was Chosen, Hand Picked, out of the GODZILLIONS of Beings in Existence, to Be Here for this Experience. All of Humanity were the Ones, Specifically Chosen for this Experience of Awakening from out of the dream of illusion.~
~Love Is Everything, although it is nothing material, all material stuff was created in the illusionary dream, for the sole purpose to make Humanity slaves, so they could pay the controllers, work hard and then die. As Humanity awakens they will drop all of these things, As Love, Joy, and Living ~ Experiencing the Truth will Be all that Matters ~
~ The "world" will fall away, it does not exist and is not real, as it was created in the dream, and the dream is no more. Only the True Reality of the Highest Possible Thoughts are Now in Existence and Only The Highest Possible Outcome will Manifest.~
~Energy is just Pure Thought. Pure Thought is Love, which is Creation in Motion=Action.
~Creation has no belief systems, nor does Creation exist in the left brain.~
~ What is Creation? ~ YOU~
Creation Exists in The Present Moment of Now, where all Atoms of Love Energy exist as well. This Energy makes up you and all Living Truth that is Alive. Creation Creates in the Space where Love Energy and The Unknowable Energy come together= THE REAL YOU=The Real Reality, CREATION. Everything that is not Present in the Moment of now, does not exist. Simple Truth.
Being is the Thought of Creation, So that Creation could Experience Being, then Creation and Being are Equally Blessed in the Experience. This is the Real Function of the Dream Machine, and was its intended Purpose. When you walk out of the holographic dream, Guess who is there in Reality? YOURSELF...and the Love you are!
Once You Awaken and Connect to Your Higher Self, your Higher Self then draws out all of the loving, pure self Experiences that you had in the illusion, but that is it. When You Awaken, Your Mission is to Be The Love You are~ This is Through Being Present in the NOW~
Mother Gaia