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When You Are Present in the Moment of Now, Love Everywhere Present

When You Are Present in the Moment of Now, Love Everywhere Present, You Experience Synchronistic Events, which are your Validations that You are Home. Each Present Moment is a Gift from the Energy Of Love, these Events are your Atoms Saying HI to YOU. These Atoms of Energy are Always With you, because they make you UP. Family=Each Atom of Energy=All Love is! Now, as Decreed by Love, these Atoms can no longer be Misused in Energy, nor distorted, as The Real Dream of Love Forever after has Begun. Love has Awoken Every Atom within all of Creation, these Atoms have been called into The Highest Possible thought, by Love. This is Their Decree, which includes Everything. As Awakened Atoms they have a Responsibility within Creation, and Therefore Respond to and Honor Love, The Love That Created them. Each of You Are Made Up of these Atoms=Energy, and this is the broadcast Signal that is Being Sent Directly into the Heart Chakra, and Expanding from there. ~In Multi-Dimensional Thought, you Understand that Everything is ALL LOVE, and that within this Love You Are One With Everything. In Truth, Love is all That can and Does Exist. When you Remember you are This Love, Equal to all Love is, One With Everything, you can never turn back. For this is the Secret to Eternal Life, Being In Heaven. This is Your undeniable Destiny. ~Its far more Enjoyable to Be One Within Love, then One without Love. The Key word here is Within~

The Grandest Experience is always the Highest Thought you Have, that Serves Love for the Greatest Good of the ALL, and The ONE. In True Reality Only The Highest Thought can come into Manifestation, meaning that it comes directly into Your Experience so that Love Can Be Expressed Through You. When Your Thoughts are On Love, and Only Love, this is all You Experience. Some of you question “How can We change this Planet?” and what can you accomplish to change it? The Answer is Very Simple, So Simple, you are Going to Giggle. So Simple, that In This Instant Love Transforms You For Love is Like that. It can only take an instant, One Moment, and You are In Spirit’s Arms. To Change the world back Home into the Planet, You Just Be the Love You are, and Love Takes Care of the rest. Love is always Self Correcting. Be the Love, See the Love, Share the Love, and this is All Your Mission on this Planet Truly is. Love is Contagious, One Light Shines, then Another, then another, and What Occurs? One Brilliantly Lit Up Planet Earth=Heart. By Being The Love You Are, You Assist in Transforming the lower vibrations, or lower thoughts, into The Higher Realms of Thought, Called Love Everywhere Present, Heaven Consciousness. You are One With Everything Except illusion, because it does not exist. What does it mean to be One with Everything? It Means You Are One With Everything Love is, any other thought would be in the lower vibrations.

Each Living Breathing Human Being Came Here to have the Grandest Experience In ALL Existence. Your Highest Thought of Love is Your Grandest Experience Manifested, as Love expresses through you Every Highest Thought That You Have that Serves the ALL, and That Serves Love. Not One Being on this Planet came here to play in illusion. Each Of You Came By Divine Contract To Be The Love That You Are, And Serve This Love, no matter what. Anything else would be serving nothing, and having no purpose nor Reality. ~Oneness Understands itself Just By BEING, Love Understands Being Just by Understanding. It’s Always the Understanding that Love Exists Within Each and Every Being. When the Being Understands Oneness, then the Being Becomes Love in Love’s Understanding of Being, Which is Always Yes! Yes, Is ALL that Is Real, and ALL Love Can Understand. Love is Yes, and In Yes, Love says Yes To Everything in Joy and Oneness~ Love Happens very Precisely in the Exacting Now, as Love is Within this Very Moment. This Moment then Expands into Multi~ Dimensional Eternities, that are never ending. This is Stepping through the Door and as You Do, Spirit, Love, Catches you, and you Immerse yourself into Spirit’s arms.

Mother Gaia

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