~Through Stating Out Loud You Are Commanding Your Higher self to Activate into this Physical Realm ~ Remember also that its a Process not an immediate magic moment.~
~By Serving the Love I Am, I am Serving the One, Equal The All, Equal All of US.
By Serving the Love I AM, I am Trusting Love in ALL Moments of My Experience. When I Am Trusting Love, Love Serves Me. There is nothing for me to do and Everything to BE in All Moments.
As I Serve Love and Love Serves Me, the More Joy, Happiness, and Wholeness of Being, I Feel and Experience in All My Present Moments of NOW.
The True Reality of Who I Really Am, Love, is Now Being Born from My Being in Every Present Moment of Now.
I Am Becoming The Unique God I Am Incarnate on Planet Earth=Heart. As this Occurs, My Soul Begins Expanding and I Marry with Creation and Love.
Stepping into the Unknowable, I Become a Bright New Star of Brilliance. And So It is On Earth, as it Is in Heaven. EARTH=HEAVEN. I AM Love, and I Am God~
Decreed by Heaven, The Light is Reclaiming this Planet and Is Here to Establish a Planet of True Love, Peace and Equality. This is the Divine Plan Manifesting Now On Planet Earth=Heart.
Mother Gaia