Is Love a choice?....A decision?....Is Love a requirement?....Is Love something given then withheld.....? Given only when we have felt it must be earned.....or given by us to assume it must be given back.....I will trade you if you trade me.....If there is no trade then you will not this the TRUTH about the definition of LOVE? If love is a choice I would rather Love ...being love is who we truly are....our source is love...unconditionally...meaning there is no this for that..I'll trade you if you trade me...Love is in giving...this is our pure essence.. Is this more than one is aware to see or even believe??.... When we begin to search deep in our hearts...much deeper then we even know or understand what is th ere.....deep in the center is the real you ,this part is also all of us, we are all connected.....we should consider all as neither Right NOR Wrong..yet somewhere in the middle.... how could one not have compassion, if one does not have compassion for himself.. how could one have kindness ,if they are not kind to is also expressed when you love yourself. .... fear is the opposite of love..and you ask that real you....WHO WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE THE FEAR OR THE LOVE?....Live a life in Darkness or Light?.. However we answer this question, whichever path we choose..... the only answer we have is one made of decision with pure intent and vision...because once you decide....which part of you, you would like to see...all you have to do is simply just be ...dive into the truth of this and let your heart be free...and your awareness shifts for all involved you begin to understand what is best for me is best for all...and see a New Vision of Peace, the rest will " fall."..You might ask for A Key.... in which you already your heart and you will see...the grandness and the clarity of a land once just a dream...Love go...Lives in the present moment...which is all we have that is real....As easy as it is to See what love really gentle on oneself as you awaken and feel.....and "Real' "Eyes" Who you truly are Magnificent, Divine, and Loved.....Beyond measure....No matter the Path....No matter the choice....because if there were truly an the core there is Only Love.... limitless and free....You cannot fail....especially with GOD- Giver Of Dreams....All of us are ascending now....connecting to the light....standing in fear left to fight....whole and healed...courageous with love, power inherent...guaranteed from the light.....What is Love...all around you when you make a choice to see....all the way through you without the walls your ego puts around you...unending when you become awake and aware that we have never been separate...separation an illusion to keep you scared...your door maybe closed not letting the light in...yet low and behold as you open the door...the light can only flood in...Light is Love ...Love Truth....Truth is who you are....
Mother Gaia