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The path to Higher Self Embodiment involves dissolving the programmed EGO mind, healing from wounds and trauma, and practicing daily self-love. You are here to bring Heaven to Earth, contributing to the evolution of humanity through the Ascension process.


It All Starts With You! The journey is not always comfortable, but it demands grit, courage, tenacity, commitment, healing, faith, trust, and discipline. Self-love is the foundation; it is the core of the Ascension process. As you navigate this journey, remember: become the change you want to see.


As mentioned above the Self love tools and disciplines are the foundation and we will always come back to these throughout our process, breathwork, ceremonies, grounding, journaling, affirmations etc, will always remain tools that will assist in bringing us back to centre, back to our hearts and connection to Source.


Intentional EGO Death Ceremonies as well as Divine Trait Embodiment Ceremonies are essential in this process, the EGO programmed mind requires intentional dissolvement. The Divine Traits are those we intend to Embody daily, as these are our Godlike traits. We have Guides that go into great detail on both of these subjects.


All the guides are free to download  

Self Love Tools and Disciplines.png
High Vibrational Definitions.png
Mother Gaia I AM Affirmations.png
Gaia Pharmacy.png
Ascension Glossary.png
Connecting with your Angels and HS.png
Mastering Energy.png
Ascension Protocols.png
The Laws of the Universe.png
The Control Dramas.png
5D Healing.png
Scale of Consciousness.png
Dissolving the EGO.png
EGO Death Ceremony.png
Ascension Process.png
The Insights to Awakenig .png
Embodying the Divine Traits.png
Super EGO.png
The 7 Charkas.png
Victim to Victor.png
Balanced Harmonics.png
Story of Creation.png
The Celestine Phrophecy.png
Cabon to Crystalline .png
The Universal Laws of New Earth.png


We are a Donation based service for the Planetary Ascension.  Thank you for showing your support and keeping our website and Love Energies moving forward

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